Meet encyclomedia.

Encyclomedia was started by two brothers in their parents’ garage (well basement really, but we’ll go with the popular cliché) who understood that the coming digital age would revolutionize the business. No longer would production be dominated by huge companies that could push their clients around. It would take unique, creative talents and a commitment to customer service to make it in this new world.

As their company grew, the Holland brothers surrounded themselves with outstanding talent and built their company into one of Atlanta’s top production houses. Despite the success, or perhaps because of it, Encyclomedia’s commitment to customer service remains as strong today as it was over 25 years ago in the garage - er, basement.


The Usual Suspects



Managing Partner


Managing Partner


Hall Monitor


Motion Graphics




Studio Manager

Partners in Crime/Creation










Audio Engineer


Whether you already know exactly what you need or you're looking for creative minds to help you figure it out, we'll work with you to get the ball rolling on the pre-production process. We can develop concepts, write scripts, draw up storyboards, cast characters, and scout locations. And this work on the front end ensures the rest of the process will go smoothly.


Working with a crew size anywhere from 1 to 100, we'll bring exactly the right crew to get the job done. And we'll bring all the toys to go with it- grip, audio, lighting, motion capture, drones. We've filmed in remote locations, on our own soundstage, and everywhere in between.


Post-production is everything that happens after the shoot wraps. Here, your project will really take shape with editing, sound design, motion graphics, and color grading. We'll post the video for you to view and give feedback to ensure that you're thrilled with the end result.


No matter where your video is going, whether it's live-streaming, broadcast, web, or social, we'll package and deliver it so that it reaches your audience looking just how you want.

How we work.

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2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis quam felis id mauris. Ut convallis, lacus nec ornare volutpat, velit turpis scelerisque purus, quis mollis velit purus ac massa. Fusce quis urna metus. Donec et lacus et sem lacinia cursus.

3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis quam felis id mauris. Ut convallis, lacus nec ornare volutpat, velit turpis scelerisque purus, quis mollis velit purus ac massa. Fusce quis urna metus. Donec et lacus et sem lacinia cursus.