How Tough Are Husky Tools?

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Really tough.  And we can prove it.  Working with Home Depot and Husky Tools, we got the chance to test out the strength of lots of different tools.  Home Depot associates submitted ideas for tool tests in different situations, and we brought several of them to life.  

First up were 2 pairs of locking pliers holding up a tightrope.  We enlisted the help of Tim Mack of The Imperial Opa Circus and Blake Wallenda of The Flying Wallendas to rig up the tightrope and then to test it out.  Check out the pic above to see the massive amount of force that the jaws of the pliers were able to hold.    
Next, we traveled to Tank Town.  What better way to challenge the tools than by running over them with tanks?  Up at Tank Town, we tested a variety of tools with the help of Home Depot associates who are also active duty service members or military veterans.  Most impressive was the flashlight that looked practically new and turned on just fine after we ran over it with 15 tons of steel.  Another impressive feat that day was by the Husky tool bag.  We successfully used it to tow a Humvee behind that 15-ton tank.  
We’ve got two more scenarios in the works, but we have to keep those under wraps for now.  Thanks to Husky Tools and Home Depot for trusting us to bring these images to the screen.  We had a blast!