Before the “Action!”

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You’ve got a video on your to-do list.

What do you do next? And more importantly, what do you need to know before the cameras start rolling? If you’re new to creating video content or if you just need a little brush-up, here are some questions to get you started on the path to making some awesome video.

– What’s the goal of your video?
– When do you need it?
– Where and how will it be seen?
– Who is your audience?
– Have you seen anything that you know you want your video to be like?  Have you seen anything that you know you really don’t want your video to be like?
– What’s your budget? There are tons of ways to create a video and lots of choices in terms of production and post that can greatly effect the overall cost.  Here’s a little more info on that – When it comes to estimating the cost of a video, there are a number of factors that can vary greatly. Pricing depends on:

– size of crew and complexity of gear needed

– # of days of shooting

– # of days of editing

– # of days of motion graphic design

– set design and build or location scouting/fees

– music licensing

– talent cost

– What jobs will you handle on your own and what do you want help with? Here are some of the initial jobs that will need to be covered – concept, scripting, storyboarding, casting talent, location scouting.  If you plan to film in your office with your CEO as the main talent, that helps to simplify pre-production significantly.  But it’s always important to iron out who’s doing what.
– Do you have access to assets that could help reduce the need to create everything from scratch?  If your company has some nifty photos or branding elements, these can aid in reducing the budget a bit.

We hope these thoughts help you get a handle on where to start your planning for video projects.  We’re happy to discuss your ideas and give you feedback in these early stages.  Give us a shout.